
A ray of hope for the unsettled heart;

The confusion, despair, and disappointment that certainly prevails;

A feeling of impediment dawns upon us during painful times;

Who do we turn to? Where do we find solace?

A flurry of thoughts run by us, even in moments of silence;

Because prayers are an art in itself;

An art not to be perfected, but to be a constant;

It shows the depths of faith in your heart;

It is the relief we always wanted to experience;

The calm;

And then it is a metamorphosis of emotions;

You finally see what you are capable of doing;


All the things you could never imagine otherwise;

You had to just sit, pray and ask to shine light on your path;

The tears of joy are not tears, it’s your soul crying out of happiness;

For above all challenges and limitations; you finally saw what you had to see;

The higher purpose you were meant to fulfill;

All problems in life seem very subliminal.

You became a happy butterfly with so much to see and feel,

New people to meet

New places to go

New depths of prayer life to intercede for


I hope with all my heart that I will be always graced with your presence.

I pray for good health and happiness for everyone around me

For that is what I pray for

And that is what I dearly hope for

For hope and faith is what I have until the end.




The little black sheep

If you were the little black sheep, what would your world look like?

When you were born, did your parents label you something specific? What would you be called? What would they see you as if you were not like the others.. if you just stood out for who you are.

Imagine a girl with a rainbow inside her head and getting labeled something completely different by everyone else.

There is a specific pinch to that label. It makes you sad and disappointed initially and then you realize you need to live with it. There are no two ways around it. But the way you choose to live makes all the difference.

The climax

“Camera pans over to a dark scene where a pivotal character gets stabbed and falls off from the frame”
This is usually how most of the great stories begin. Focus on the most important moment where the game changes.

I will start with the very unobvious. Instances you might or might not have come across before. That way we both are on the same page of how “interesting” my life gets sometimes. Sometimes the characters,sometimes I feel it’s my brain which attracts certain people and situations.
Either wise, one fine morning I found myself with 5 cartons of ducks and chickens, along with 5 other packets of nuggets and other fillets with myself (thanks to my client) We had literally NO space whatsoever. And the wrong quantity was delivered. My brain went to a mini panic mode thinking about the chickens that got spoilt as every minute passed by. We tried making space in the fridge, called up the supermarket downstairs and the office nearby for one precious thing-SPACE.

We all take it for granted? Don’t we? Right from the time we sleep to work to to the time we fall asleep again, we are taking up someone else’s space. Do we really share our space with others? Probably not. Well something had to be done. We had no option of sending the chickens back to the supplier. My boss lady was smart enough to throw away all the old food inside the office refrigerator and made space for the lovely chickens. She saved our day. Yay!
How did this change that day? I realized that sometimes the most viable option is right in front of you and not very far away. You just need to remove that cloud of doubt and despair and look for the unobvious. You will never know what you find. Trust me!

Embracing your dark side

Imagine your dark side! How do you know what exactly is the darkness within you?

Be a light unto yourself- Gautam Buddha

I know what light is. At least I have seen people become happier because of my light. Naturally, anything that affects this light would be the darkness.
It was difficult for me to accept that I have a dark side. I tried running way from it, hiding from myself and others for so many years. But sometimes when I just sit and look up, all these negative emotions floods through my mind. That’s when I decided it is high time I accept the good and bad in me.

Never let the past define who you are.

Everyone talks about letting go of the past! Is it easy? For me, it definitely wasn’t and I am still trying to make peace with it. A quick and simple thing you can actually do to this is to seek and talk to people in the past who you have been having issues with. Forgive and forget is a mantra that definitely works here.

The reason I’m sharing this with you guys today is because without really embracing the darkness within you, you can’t appreciate happiness. It is like two sides of the coin you are always trying to balance. I would say, try spreading some light you already have to your other side as well 🙂

Coming up next: 21-Day Happiness Challenge

Happiness 101

I personally like hiding up things from my past. Why? It brings less pain to explain to others and people see you in a more positive light. But you know what? There is no happiness without going back to one of your lowest points of your life and understanding what patterns of behavior you have done before, that has led to major mistakes and disappointments in life.

Mine clearly was blindly trusting people around me, trusting that the closest to me didn’t have a dark side. Well they did, but not accepting that fact was more convenient for me.

Convenience of ignorance has led to major disappointment and issues in my life.

But before all this my perception about people and issues were also in question. What did I perceive about people? Besides assuming that all are good, I expected them to be good with me, doing good deeds and live a ‘happily forever life’ with me. But this world doesn’t work that way. I had to live with people’s dark sides every now and then. I tried hiding from mine and everything else. But there was no way around it than embrace yourself fully, understanding where you shine and your grey points. Embracing people for who they are and what they do is better than judging all the relationships you have in your life.

People do what they do for a variety of reasons that even probably they are not fully aware of. If you ask me what is most important? Having a clear vision of what you want in terms of your purpose and working towards it, no matter what happens. Some people just lead their lives listening to what others say, others ensure they get what they want regardless of anyone else in their path.

Point one. You should never enforce your dreams on others. If the closest ones to you, asks you to do something that you don’t agree with, always question what their intentions are. This way you are not assuming things and are on the same boat with them.

Have any thoughts about what I have written above? Share with me!

The midnight squirrel

Few days ago, I met a squirrel in my dream. Interesting in this part of the world because I live in Dubai and I hardly find any animals around. Nor do I remember the last time I went to a zoo.In my dream, the squirrel was wet and was hopping in front of me.

Next morning, I looked up the dream interpretation of a squirrel and I didn’t find pretty things.That’s when I thought of drawing a mandala out of this whole experience.

The meaning of mandala comes from Sanskrit meaning “circle.”It represents the universe in some religions. I would like to believe it as showing the ‘true colors’ of a being, in this case the squirrel.

This is the second shot at drawing a mandala,hope you guy like it!🙂


Stopping by woods on a snowy evening


“The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”
This poem by Robert Frost was always one of my favorites. It reminds me of how much I have remaining to accomplish.
In school, we are compelled to live up to the expectations of many people around us, often not focusing on what we love or what we are good at.
College-same story. Nonconformity to these expectations mean you are a rebel.By this time you realize that what you are doing is not completely wrong.
As an adult, you might lose sight of what you want,because there is so much chaos around. You stop appreciating the beautiful things in life.I want to document all the beautiful things I come across and remind everyone to do so in their lives.
 Higher meaningless expectations you try to fulfill, higher you feel unaccomplished. When you do something you love, you have a higher sense of accomplishment.